Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Appraisal of Software Vendors Meeting Agenda

  1. Introduction and Welcome
  2. Review of Meeting Objectives
  3. Background Information on Software Vendors
    • a. Vendor A: Strengths and Weaknesses
    • b. Vendor B: Strengths and Weaknesses
  4. Criteria for Evaluation
    • a. Cost and Pricing
    • b. Features and Functionality
    • c. User Experience and Interface
    • d. Customer Support and Service Level Agreements
  5. Demo and Presentation of Vendor A
  6. Discussion and Questions on Vendor A
  7. Demo and Presentation of Vendor B
  8. Discussion and Questions on Vendor B
  9. Comparison of Vendors
    • a. Pros and Cons of Vendor A
    • b. Pros and Cons of Vendor B
  10. Decision Making Process
    • a. Factors to Consider
    • b. Final Evaluation and Scoring
  11. Next Steps and Action Items
    • a. Assigning Responsibilities
    • b. Setting Deadlines
    • c. Follow-up Meeting Schedule
  12. Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
Image of stone floor

About Appraisal of Software Vendors Meeting Agenda

This meeting agenda is for the appraisal of two software vendors. The agenda includes a discussion and evaluation of the vendors, criteria for evaluation, vendor demos and presentations, comparison of vendors, decision-making process, next steps, and action items.

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