Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Installation of CCTV in the campus

  1. Accelerate NBA related works
    • a. Review progress on NBA accreditation process
    • b. Discuss any challenges or roadblocks in achieving accreditation
  2. Civil Works
    • a. Earth filling in front of campus
    • b. Anti termite treatment to the institute building
    • c. Painting works
    • d. Water leakages in the walls
  3. CSR funds for infrastructure
  4. Construction of 2nd floor accommodation for Mechanical and Civil sections
Image of stone floor

About Installation of CCTV in the campus

The meeting agenda focuses on the installation of CCTV in the campus, accelerating NBA related works, civil works including earth filling, anti termite treatment, painting works, and addressing water leakages. The agenda also covers the allocation of CSR funds for infrastructure development and the construction of 2nd floor accommodation for the Mechanical and Civil sections.

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