Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Growing the Church in 2024

  1. Welcome and Opening Prayer
  2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes
  3. Update on Current Church Membership
  4. Setting the Goal: Increasing Membership from 45 to 65
  5. Identifying Target Demographics
    • a. Age groups and preferences
    • b. Cultural and ethnic diversity
  6. Developing Outreach Programs
    • a. Community events and collaborations
    • b. Social media and online presence
  7. Enhancing Worship Experience
    • a. Music and worship style
    • b. Sermon topics and guest speakers
  8. Recruiting and Training Volunteers
    • a. Roles and responsibilities
    • b. Volunteer appreciation and retention
  9. Budget and Resources
    • a. Allocating funds for growth initiatives
    • b. Seeking sponsorships and donations
  10. Measuring Success and Tracking Progress
    • a. Metrics and data analysis
    • b. Regular progress updates
  11. Next Steps and Action Items
  12. Closing Remarks and Prayer
Image of stone floor

About Growing the Church in 2024

The team of Pastors and elders in the church will discuss strategies and action plans to increase church membership from 45 to 65 in the year 2024. This meeting agenda outlines various topics to be covered, including target demographics, outreach programs, worship enhancements, volunteer recruitment, budget allocation, and measuring success.

Introducing Boardshape

Our board management software can be a valuable tool when streamlining your virtual meetings. Our agenda builder allows you to:

  • Collaboratively create an agenda Assign agenda items to participants
  • Collect all the meeting materials in a centralized location.
  • Include live polls for decision making.
  • Easily track follow up communication through comment sections for each item.
  • Our presentation mode keeps everyone in sync during the meeting with the right documents at everyones’ finger tips at the right time.
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