Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Meeting Agenda: Decision on Artificial Intelligence vs Consulting

  1. Introduction and Welcome
  2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes
  3. Presentation on Artificial Intelligence
    • a. Benefits and Opportunities
    • b. Risks and Challenges
  4. Presentation on Consulting
    • a. Benefits and Opportunities
    • b. Risks and Challenges
  5. Discussion on Pros and Cons
    • a. Cost Analysis
    • b. Timeframe and Implementation
  6. Voting on Preferred Option
  7. Next Steps and Action Items
  8. Any Other Business
  9. Summary and Closing Remarks
Image of stone floor

About Meeting Agenda: Decision on Artificial Intelligence vs Consulting

This is a meeting agenda for the board of directors to discuss and make a decision on whether the organization should focus on artificial intelligence or consulting. The agenda includes presentations on both options, a discussion on the pros and cons, a voting process, and planning for next steps.

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  • Our presentation mode keeps everyone in sync during the meeting with the right documents at everyones’ finger tips at the right time.
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