Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Meeting Agenda for International Cooperation Conference on Disability in Africa

  1. Opening Ceremony
    • a. Welcome Remarks by Leaders from Hunan Province, China Disabled Persons' Federation, Ethiopian Embassy, African Guest Representative, Aid Foundation, and UNICEF China Office
    • b. Disability Arts Performance
  2. Topic Sharing Session
    • a. Topic 1: Practices and Achievements of Sino-African Civil Society Cooperation
    • b. Topic 2: Needs and Current Situation in African Countries
    • c. Topic 3: Future Action Plan
  3. Interactive Session
  4. Signing of Cooperation Agreements
  5. Sub-Forum Summary
  6. Closing Remarks by Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of School of International Relations at Nanjing University
Image of stone floor

About Meeting Agenda for International Cooperation Conference on Disability in Africa

The meeting agenda outlines the schedule for the International Cooperation Conference on Disability in Africa. The agenda includes an opening ceremony with speeches from various dignitaries, topic sharing sessions covering practical experiences and future plans, interactive sessions, cooperation agreement signings, and a sub-forum summary. The meeting will be concluded with closing remarks by Zhu Feng, the Executive Dean of the School of International Relations at Nanjing University.

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