Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Meeting Agenda: Report Impressions, Facebook Ads, and SEO Optimization

  1. Report on impressions for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
    • a. Discuss the increase in impressions due to higher ad spend on Facebook and Instagram
  2. Review post interactions and engagement rates
    • a. Analyze the percentage increase in post engagement
  3. Evaluate the performance of Agile for Everyone ads on Facebook and Google
    • a. Examine the statistics and budget allocation for the Agile for Everyone listing ad
    • b. Discuss the lack of leads and conversions from Facebook and Google ads
  4. Decide whether to continue running Agile for Everyone ads on Facebook
    • a. Consider redirecting the budget to Google ads if Facebook performance is unsatisfactory
  5. Review Facebook statistics for other courses
    • a. Analyze link clicks and impressions for ESG and sustainability skills courses
    • b. Discuss the cost of running ads for sustainable courses
  6. Discuss upcoming posts and changes to Agile course advertisements
    • a. Present changes made to the last Agile course post
    • b. Share next week's posts via email
  7. Assess the SEO optimization of the CISM course page
    • a. Share the page link and request assistance in checking its optimization
    • b. Perform a site audit to identify and address broken links
  8. Review keyword rankings and SEO performance
    • a. Analyze the average position and ranking improvement of targeted keywords
    • b. Discuss the need for writing more blog posts and backlinking strategies
  9. Provide a summary of the meeting discussion and action items
    • a. Include the CISM SEO optimization as a job scope
    • b. Highlight the broken links and website audit tasks
    • c. Share the summary and action items with the team
Image of stone floor

About Meeting Agenda: Report Impressions, Facebook Ads, and SEO Optimization

The meeting agenda focuses on reviewing the report impressions for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, evaluating the performance of Agile for Everyone ads, discussing upcoming posts and changes to Agile course advertisements, assessing the SEO optimization of the CISM course page, and reviewing keyword rankings and SEO performance. The team will also address broken links and conduct a website audit. A summary of the meeting discussion and action items will be provided.

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