Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Not for Profit Board - Gymnastics Queensland Bi-Monthly Meeting in February

  1. Call to Order and Welcome
  2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
  3. Financial Report
  4. Fundraising Update
  5. Membership Update
  6. Programs and Events
    • a. Youth Development Program
    • b. Annual Gymnastics Competition
    • c. Community Outreach Initiatives
  7. Marketing and Communications
    • a. Social Media Strategy
    • b. Website Update
  8. Volunteer Recruitment and Training
  9. Board Governance
    • a. Election of Officers
    • b. Bylaws Review
  10. Any Other Business
  11. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment
Image of stone floor

About Not for Profit Board - Gymnastics Queensland Bi-Monthly Meeting in February

The Not for Profit Board of Gymnastics Queensland will hold its bi-monthly meeting in February. The meeting will cover various topics such as financial report, fundraising, membership update, programs and events, marketing and communications, volunteer recruitment and training, board governance, and any other business. The agenda will also include the approval of previous meeting minutes, election of officers, and a review of the bylaws. The meeting will conclude with the announcement of the next meeting date.

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  • Our presentation mode keeps everyone in sync during the meeting with the right documents at everyones’ finger tips at the right time.
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