Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Partnership Meeting Agenda

  1. Introduction and Welcome
  2. Overview of the Nonprofit Organizations
  3. Goals and Objectives of the Partnership
  4. Discussion on Potential Collaboration Areas
    • a. Fundraising and Grant Opportunities
    • b. Program Development and Implementation
    • c. Volunteer Recruitment and Management
  5. Review of Existing Programs and Initiatives
    • a. Sharing Success Stories
    • b. Identifying Areas for Improvement
  6. Resource Sharing and Support
    • a. Sharing of Best Practices
    • b. Collaboration on Training and Capacity Building
  7. Budget and Financial Considerations
    • a. Funding Sources and Allocation
    • b. Financial Reporting and Accountability
  8. Timeline and Action Plan
    • a. Setting Milestones and Deadlines
    • b. Assigning Responsibilities
  9. Next Steps and Follow-up
    • a. Agreement on Next Meeting Date
    • b. Action Items and Responsibilities
  10. Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Image of stone floor

About Partnership Meeting Agenda

This meeting agenda outlines the topics to be discussed during the partnership meeting between our new nonprofit organization and the local established nonprofit. The agenda aims to facilitate productive discussions and decision-making regarding potential collaboration areas, resource sharing, budget considerations, and the development of an action plan.

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Our board management software can be a valuable tool when streamlining your virtual meetings. Our agenda builder allows you to:

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  • Our presentation mode keeps everyone in sync during the meeting with the right documents at everyones’ finger tips at the right time.
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