Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Recruitment Strategy Meeting Agenda

  1. Introduction to the Recruitment Meeting
    • a. Overview of Current Recruitment Needs
    • b. Explanation of Recruitment Background
  2. Establishing Recruitment Criteria
    • a. Defining Desired Qualifications and Skills
    • b. Setting Expectations for Candidate Experience
  3. Creating Candidate Profile
    • a. Identifying Ideal Candidate Attributes
    • b. Outlining Cultural Fit and Team Dynamics
  4. Focus Points for Interviewers
    • a. Highlighting Key Areas of Assessment
    • b. Discussing Interview Techniques and Best Practices
  5. Open Discussion and Brainstorming
    • a. Encouraging Input and Ideas from Team Members
    • b. Addressing Any Concerns or Questions
  6. Next Steps and Action Items
    • a. Assigning Responsibilities and Deadlines
    • b. Confirming Follow-Up Meeting Schedule
Image of stone floor

About Recruitment Strategy Meeting Agenda

This meeting agenda template outlines the key topics to be discussed in a recruitment strategy meeting between the recruiting team and the hiring department. It covers areas such as recruitment background, criteria, candidate profile, and interviewer focus points.

Introducing Boardshape

Our board management software can be a valuable tool when streamlining your virtual meetings. Our agenda builder allows you to:

  • Collaboratively create an agenda Assign agenda items to participants
  • Collect all the meeting materials in a centralized location.
  • Include live polls for decision making.
  • Easily track follow up communication through comment sections for each item.
  • Our presentation mode keeps everyone in sync during the meeting with the right documents at everyones’ finger tips at the right time.
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