Photo of desk with notepad, pen and coffee

Weekly Meeting with Sunroc Ready Mix Team

  1. Sales
    • a. Review sales performance
    • b. Identify challenges and obstacles
    • c. Brainstorm solutions
  2. Shop
    • a. Discuss any equipment or maintenance issues
    • b. Address safety concerns
    • c. Plan for upcoming projects
  3. Pit
    • a. Evaluate production and quality
    • b. Discuss any operational issues
    • c. Identify improvement opportunities
  4. Dispatch
    • a. Review scheduling and logistics
    • b. Address any customer complaints or issues
    • c. Coordinate with drivers
  5. Drivers
    • a. Provide updates on deliveries and routes
    • b. Discuss any customer feedback
    • c. Address driver concerns or training needs
  6. Upcoming Projects
    • a. Share information on upcoming projects
    • b. Discuss resource allocation and timelines
  7. Department Needs
    • a. Identify areas where departments need support
    • b. Discuss cross-department collaboration opportunities
  8. Open Discussion
    • a. Allow team members to raise any additional topics or concerns
    • b. Encourage feedback and suggestions
  9. Action Items
    • a. Summarize action items from the meeting
    • b. Assign responsibilities and deadlines
  10. Next Meeting
    • a. Schedule the date and time for the next meeting
    • b. Determine any specific agenda items for the next meeting
Image of stone floor

About Weekly Meeting with Sunroc Ready Mix Team

The weekly meeting with the Sunroc Ready Mix team will focus on discussing current issues and challenges faced by various departments, including sales, the shop, the pit, dispatch, and drivers. The team will also discuss upcoming projects, departmental needs, and engage in open discussions. Action items will be identified, and responsibilities will be assigned. The meeting will conclude with scheduling the next meeting and determining the agenda for it.

Introducing Boardshape

Our board management software can be a valuable tool when streamlining your virtual meetings. Our agenda builder allows you to:

  • Collaboratively create an agenda Assign agenda items to participants
  • Collect all the meeting materials in a centralized location.
  • Include live polls for decision making.
  • Easily track follow up communication through comment sections for each item.
  • Our presentation mode keeps everyone in sync during the meeting with the right documents at everyones’ finger tips at the right time.
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